Blow the trumpets

I visited the Racing Car Show recently and thought it admirable in respect of the exhibiting of the most successful racing car of 1962, viz, B.R.M. and also its strongest rival for that position, Lotus.

I wholeheartedly agree with what you say in your “Matters of Moment” of this month, and note “…should bring home to everyone that Britain is now absolutely supreme in motor racing…. equal enthusiasm and acclaim should now be accorded the green ones.” However, obviously B.R. & S.C.C. do not think along these lines, for after 12 years of trying, unsuccessfully and most of the time being ridiculed, the B.R.M. has finally succeeded and consequently I thought that the only car to picture on the B.R. & S.C.C. posters would have been a B.R.M. or at least a “green” car, but oh no, what have they got but a Ferrari!

This would have been comprehensible if the sponsors of the Show had been Italians, French or otherwise, but an English club, indicates, to me least, thoughtlessness and stupidity.

Robert Bowman.
London, N.12.