What Do You Know About Cars?
What Do Ton Know About Cars ?
TEST your memory of the racing and sports cars of yesterday and to-day. You may win a guinea !
Report on Problem No. 12.
I guessed as much! That last one set you guessing. Out of all the entries submitted, only two were correct. The first opened on the morning of March 15th, was that sent in by : Mr. W. Templeton,
“North View,” Bramhope, Nr. Leeds, to whom we have sent our congratulations and a cheque for one guinea.
And now perhaps you would like to hear the solution. The car in the photograph last month was none other than a Delage, year 1919, type C.O. The actual car depicted was one of the first two specimens to be shipped to this country. Nice looking car, isn’t it, or wasn’t it ? The ” post-mortem ” reveals a considerable difference among our readers as to the identity of the car in question. So varied were the entries that I wondered at times whether all of us see alike. The most popular solutions were Napier and Mercedes, followed by Sunbeam and
Sizane-Berwick. These four makes represented the bulk of the entries, although Alfa-Romeo and Itala both had many adherents. After that the list becomes more varied, and I find the following names on the pile of coupons on my desk : Metallurgique, AustroDaimler, Schneider, Crossley, IsottaFraschini, Steyr, Lagonda, Farman, Chenard-Walcker, Ansaldo, Fiat, HispanoSuiza and Lea-Francis.
Rules for Problem No. 18.
The rules for Problem No. 13 are as follow :— 1. Cut out the coupon on the inside back cover, fill in your name and address and solution in block letters, and send it
to us in a sealed envelope, marked ” Competition.”
2. Any alterations or defacements on the coupon will automatically disquality the entrant.
3. Entries must reach this office, 39, Victoria Street, London, S.W. 1, not later than the first post, April 15th, and a prize of one guinea will be awarded to the sender of the first correct solution opened on that day.
4. More than one coupon may be included in one envelope.
5. No letter must be sent with the coupon.
6. The result will be published in our May issue.
7. Employees of Motor Sport (1929), Ltd., are not eligible to compete.
8. The Editor’s decision is final.
Send Us Your Puzzle Picture !
A prize of half-a-guinea is offered every month for the photograph used in the competition. The picture of the Delage last month was submitted by Mr. G. H. B. Dodd, of 37, Ellesmere Road, Greenford, Middlesex, to whom we have sent a cheque for that amount.
If you have a photograph in your collection which you think would puzzle readers, let us have a look at it. It may be worth half-a-guinea I Incidentally, photographs submitted must be real photographic prints, not cuttings from newspapers, from which it is impossible to make printing blocks.
The good looking sports model illustrated on the left is the new B.M.W. 1 flitre sports two-seater.
Several features of this famous German car, which is now handled in this country by Messrs. A. F. N., Ltd., of London Road, Isleworth, are worthy of attention. For example, the aim of the designers has been to obtain a smooth exterior, as far as possible, and this has been accomplished by means of concealing the hood (which is nevertheless a really practical affair), covering the rear wheels with detachable panels, storing the spare wheel in the tail, where it lies under a circular locking cover, concealing the directionindicators, and fitting the rear light, stop light, and number plate all flush with the tail. The number plate is illuminated from behind the plate.
The detachable wind-deflectors are a good idea, and the wide doors are to be noted.
L. Altogether a. very nice motor-car.