V-C Miscellany, August 1993
On the subject of the demolition of historic buildings with a motor industry past, we have been tipped off, as the journalists say, that the works where the victorious British…
P., • F0f00,14 I ,111.,, ,up Is sic, Yip litres or,),.s,
F. Formats I I Mrs, i 4%, ler 2 Te0n70′.
POIMPlin Libre, (lb tyre qr• riming Or. S. Spurts ors, Tourist, cam •
?Fargo. Florio (S. ..S; T.). 10th. -G.P. de Pau (F.I.). Ifith.–G.P. de San Remo (V.I.).
Miglia (S. & T.).
300t.—-G.P. de Paris (F.f.).