BRISTOL M.C. & L.C.C. Veteran and Edwardian Rally and Trial

There is no doubt Intl that the public lot es the veterans, and on .1itly 1 5111 the Bristol M.C. & did 1110141 In inerease the status or old cars, with efficient marslialling. full police co-operation, and. 101111Speldier 551115 at strategic pkwes. during II oil annual rally and trial. As veteran ellr5 lout in cover 30 miles and Edwardian:: 3t1 miles, a good time N1115 liail by all, :III Iniugh t he weather

was uttkitul. .511 entry of’ 28 pre-190 t :Ind 29 1903-1910 ears was received. ” New ” ill11101.1-11 It CraVell’S

al1110S1 legellthlry hOre. 1907 ” 1 lcrta :titer Troplt■It:tinder, which had Iteen laid-up for :10 years, Lush’s 1911 Adler tourer. Oldham’s 1911 5-litre !ten:Lull with Hooper liniflattlette body, and Ilarbury’s model-T Ford tvith. modified. ” rallter-1920,” sporting twoseat er body. Ve admired greatly 1Va1ker’s

191-1 tv:tt er-ef tled, flat -twin I./oughts light-car, t he maker’s mumon its turtvorn pedals, petrol tiller protruding from tlte dash, and fairimis coil-spring and lever re:tr snspr-lision.—but its electric starter looked suspiciously post-1914! And were one-hinger Itovers built before 190:5 ? T111. run was a great test, :41a-et:dors cheering entlutsiastieally front Iterwath seas of umbrellas. The long hill near Illagdon, ill a Cheddar Gorge setting, with ample iyarking spad-e for spectatius at the bp, vas nutgoilicent, Itarl:er’s 19011 Napier, with, leitt I:arslake as nosigator and. the Editor of Allirroit SpoitT riding ill state in the back, taking it fast in second and top, althottgli baullted lottdo-wn by a tad:dent Standard Nine. NVIlileWaY’S 1900 I11.01111-T FOrd t011.rer l’aIlle Ilp well Vilsort tvas ‘working on the engine of his 1902 10-11.p. Star after Ilw elieck. and Air (thief larsItal Sir .5. t’oryi on’s 1902 8-11.1). de I /ion WaS ill

I r11111,11 near the tildisli, Nfajor Ta■ lor was going well. lido children ill the lpack III his 1901 tk-h.p. Henault. crowds gathered Under every railway liridige ui See I IW l’arS I all: le 111c, laSI hills near Bristol, The Napier NVIIN rirc(victory hanikcd hy modern car,. it Stanley SIC:011er nearly hit a police car, IL 5111:111 salt) /II forced Milton-Stott to lake ” avoiding :WI inn,lad I 111111 ‘5 11102 Forcear was fast. ringing its bell. Illerkimter ” Daimler stalled on lied Lion Dill trillt fuel feed trouble hut restarted. and on the wet journey homd., 1904 12-11.11. Volseld-y had a repetition d:f the mil trouble that

had dogged it :di day. I tucI ton-Slott (1913 Lan(‘ltester) and Skinner 11111(1 Itolls-I(oyec) Itadi entered the ‘tally frd Idul (;e1leV11, 651/ IllileS, Iluct were held up by till’ Customs at Dover, ‘baton-Stott failing to elteck•in by a mere ten minutes, Skinner by about art hour. This excellent Bristol event must tit repeated next. year. Viten you think limy trials drivers are entered( for every Saturday and S11.1Iday all through llte winter, no one can say the old-car enthu siast II Ila Oh Illany 11111S