Brooklands circuit planned for 2000

A new circuit could be functioning at Brooklands by the year 2000. The last of three development phases envisioned by the museum would rebuild the missing section of the track spanning the River Wey, re-linking the Members Banking and the Railway Straight for the first time since 1978. A return loop through the infield to the main straight, similar to the Campbell circuit idea, would then create a continuous track using the famed banking for the first time since the Second World War.

Although the circuit would not offer racing, it would allow sprints to be held with a return road, and demonstration runs on the banking. By that time a proposed hangar, right, with restaurant aircraft display attached, will have been built, from where diners would have a view of on the banked concrete.

These extensive plans rely on gaining funding, with 25% of the £23m to be raised by the museum. Costed at £1m, Phase I, covering restoring the village could begin as early as October if the Lottery bid is successful.