January 20, 2001 Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, France
The 2001 WRC programme began with the Monte Carlo Rally. Although we know that Richard Burns would take the title for Subaru this year, his drive in the snow-encrusted trails…
Car Parking Arrangements.
At the request of the officials in charge, the R.A.C. is undertaking the whole of the car parking arrangements in connection with the new greyhound racing track at Wembley. A special car park equipped with ” flood ” lights has been constructed adjoining the track, capable of accommodating over 1,200 cars, the charge per car being 2/6 per night, and for motor cycles 1/-. The entrance to the Car Park is in Raglan Gardens, and access to the Track can be had direct from the Park. In anticipation of very large numbers of cars using the Park, the R.A.C. has made special arrangements for getting them away quickly when racing is over, and it is estimated that the whole park can be cleared in kss than twenty minutes.