On road and track with the Lotus Elite
Some competition cars which are outwardly similar to others in their class win far more races than their competitors. This is very often due to the car having a. superior driver…
There was a record entry for this year’s elleran car run of 163, -of whielt 15 nonstarted, including the 1003 mi Odell your Editor had lioped to ride In a big crush of spectators’ trunk
I he reinaining 148 Tire-1905 ears uumitfrIutuuts the historic joarney, in heavy rain at first, later giving way to sunshine. it says.a great acal for (hills that %ally nyu. aetualty r,ilred, and that otity failed to eherk mi
hunt’s 36. li.p, I ietiz broke a front whet■I. I :ov-Ihtes• It r■I Mos, With his (.:reattli■Obile netv*iitated giving in, awl Lord Nitwit:04u of Ikunilleia hail to plum tilt 1002 di! I)ion on it traitor bet:wise of ignition i rouble, Tin) eittlinrellt.r of Wiliton’s Star had to he diWinantkil and be failed to do lin) run within Iii, 71 noun, ‘Vanvieli’Ade I non broke it valve ;Ind Johns’ de 18i,mu had gearbox trouble al .Ntafor liarvny’s (lenient stripped its utmiujuig wiwe.N. Ti10,4 who were untortanan, time woo): Run utt:n Kord (itenro, Crosrmin it t■!ergrstOreittinabilef. 1,ord Mi mu falai ot medico nte Dion), Major Itarvvy (Clement). : 1:0o,ley Mat), .101ae. nle Dion), Cony Mitt:Alan! (I’lluenix ‘Primo), Itinigtion (intrilie•r Sorpollet), tVltcu.uu 151st),