Reports of Recent Events, December 1951



Plymouth M.C Trial (Oct 4th)

200 Challenge Trophy and Replica — C. J. Crump (Marden)
Runner-up (Barton Trophy and replica) — R.W. Faulkner (Paul Special)
Best P.M.C.member (Andrew Trophy) — G. Scali (Scali Special)
Best in Class 1 (“200” replica) — B.Fitzwater (Riley Special)
Best in Class 2 (“200” replica) — L. Parker (Parker Special)
Best in Class 3 (“200” replica) — E. Ellis (F.N.-B.M.W)
First-class award — R. Orchard (Dellow)
Second-class award — E.A. Jauncey (O.V.G)
Third-class award — R.W. Hartnell (Ford)
Best performance of the day — G. Scali
Runner-up — R. Orchard


Snetterton Speed Trials (Oct. 20th)

The Aston-Martin O.C. deserves congratulations on an excellent event over an interesting new course, with very generous prize money. Fastest time of the day was made by Wharton’s 2-litre E.R.A., at 82.4 m.p.h., a second faster than Poore’s “3.8” Alfa-Romeo.

Class winners

Sports Cars
1,101-1,500 c.c. — F.C. Davis (Cooper)
1,501-2,000 c.c. — R. C. Willis (B.M.W.)
2,000-3000 c.c. — M. Morris-Goodall (DB2 Aston Martin)
Over 3,000 c.c. — F. H. Howarth (Jaguar XK120)
Racing Cars
500 c.c. — D. Parker (J.B.S.)
501-1,100 c.c. — C.A. Booker (Cooper 1,100)
2,000 c.c. — D. Hamilton (H.W.M.).
4,500 c.c. — W. B. Black (Jaguar XK120)
Unlimited — Wharton (E.R.A.)
Ladies. — Mrs. Willis (B.M.W.)


M.C.C. Sporting Trial (Oct. 20th)

Best Performance by Member of an Invited Club — W. A. Cleave (1,086-c.c. Morris Special), no marks lost.
Best Performance by Member of M.C.C. — C.F. Crossby (1,203-c.c. Vauxhall Special, s/c.), no marks lost.
First-Class Awards (Cars) — F. E. Wall (1,172-c.c. Dellow, s/c.), J. W. Fleetwood (1,172-c.c. G.R.H.), A. M. Beardshaw (1,190-c.c. Wharton), M. S. Wilson (1,172-c.c. Wilson Special). J. W. S. Utley (1,172-c.c. Dellow), A. Pownall (3,622-c.c. Rojah), P. M. Goodall (1,172-c.c. Dellow), F. Dean (1,172-c.c. A.W.S.), W. A. Cleave (1,086-c.c. Morris Special), M. H. Lawson (1,172-c.c. Lotus I), A. L. S. Denyer (1,496-c.c. Lea-Francis), C. F. Crossby (1,203-c.c. Vauxhall Special, s/c.). A. Bayliss (1,172-c.c. Ford Special), S. Horsfield (1,172-c.c. Harley Special, s/c.), P. A. Atkinson (1,225-c.c. Atkinson Special), J. D. Sleeman (1,172-c.c. Sleeman Special, s/c.), J. H. Appleton 1,486-c.c. Appleton); all no marks lost.
Second-Class Awards — G. Wood (3,600-c.c. G.W.8), R. E. C. Brookes (1,172-c.c. E.R.P Special), G. Dracup (1,911-c.c. Frazer-Nash-B.M.W.), H. R. Payne (1,172-c.c. Dellow). W. A. Grayson (1,223-c.c. Grayson Special, s/c.). N. W. Kastner (1,172-c.c. Dellow), J. C. Wallwork (1,776-c.c. Standard Special), E. J. Chandler (1,172-c.c. Chandler Special, s/c.), H. Shipside (1,172-c.c. Austin), J. R. Sidwell (1,172-c.c. Dellow, s/c.), C. P. Nichols (1,172-c.c. Dellow), P. Clegg (1,000-c.c. Ford Special).
Third-Class Awards — A. G. Curwen (747-c.c. Austin), G. E. Pettit (2,663-c.c. Singer Special), W. L. T. Winder (1,172-c.c. Austin Special), D. G. Flather (1,971-c.c. Keystone Special), R. A. Hellyar (1,493-c.c. Singer).


Sheffield and H.M.C High Peak Trial (Oct. 21st)

High Peak Challenge Trophy  — T. C. Harrison (1,172-c.c. Harford), 8 marks lost.
Beeston Trophy — J. D. Sleeman (1,172-c.c. Sleeman), 10.
Needham Trophy — E, Harrison (1,172-c.c. Harford), 10; A. W. Lilley (1,172-cm. Clegg), 12; E. J. Chandler (1,172-c.c. Chandler), 12; G. P. Mosby (1,172-c.c. Ford). 14; M. Wilde (1,172-c.c. Ford), 14; J. Clegg (1,172-c.c. Clegg), 14: J. W. Fleetwood (1,172-c.c. G.R.H.), 14; A. W. Francis (3,917-c.c. H.R.G.), 15; A. J. Lilley (1,172-c.c. A.W.), 16; L. J. Oliver (1,172-c.c. Oliver), 16.
Best Sheffield and Hallamshire Member — J. Rayner (1,172-c.c. B.N.), 17.
Best under 1,000c.c. — J. S. Jenkins (933-c.c Morris), 31
Team Award — T. C. Harrison, G. P. Mosby M. Wilde.
Hard Luck Award — R. W. Phillips (1,486-c.c. Fairley).


North Staffs M.C. Replow Speed Trial (Oct. 27th)

Class winners

Sports Cars
1,100 c.c. S/c., 1,500 c.c. Non-s/c — K.H. Downing (Connaught), 21.8sec
1,101-1.500 cc. S/c., 1,501-3,000 c.c. Non-s/c. — G. Tyrer (B.M.W.)
Over 1,500 c.c. S/c., Over 3,000 c.c. Non-s/c. — G. W Hawkins (Jaguar), 19.6sec
Standard “TC” or “TD” M.G.s. — R. A. Goldbourn (“TD”), 26.0sec
Racing Cars
500 c.c — C.D. Headland (Cooper-J.A.P.), 20.0sec.
1,500 c.c. S/c. 4,500 c.c. Non-s/c. — B. E. Bradnack (Cooper-J.A.P. 1,100), 16.7sec.
Formula II. — C. Heath (Cooper-J.A.P. 1,100), 17.sec.
Unlimited. — E. Lloyd-Jones (Triangle Flying Saucer), 16.0 sec. (F.T.D.).


S.O.D.C. 24-Hour Rally (Oct. 27th/28th)

This ambitious event embraced a 20-lap High Speed Trial at Brands Hatch Stadium following a 135-mile road section, and then a 300-mile run to Penzance with driving tests at Trengwainton hill — the sort of event we would like to see repeated.


Best Aggregate — R. J. Thurgood (H.R.G.), 500 marks
Runner-Up — D. Shea-Simmonds (J2 Ardun-Allard), 491 marks
Next Best S.O.D.C. Member — R. H. Lambert (M.G.), 471 marks
Next Best Invited Member — D. Scobey (J2 Allard), 478 marks


Welsh Counties’ C.C. Cross Crouch Rally (Oct. 28th)

Cross Crouch Challenge Trophy (best performance of the day). — H. J. Hunter (Healey), 86 marks lost; 2nd: L. Collins (M.G.), 108 marks lost; 3rd: A. R. Davies (Humber), 122 marks lost.
Team Award: D. J. Parsons (M.G.), L. Collins (M.G.) and P. Collins (Rover). Total 405 marks lost.


Maidstone & Mid-Kent M.C. Bossom Trial (Oct. 28th)

Bossom Trophy — R, W. Faulkner (Paul Special)
Best Maidstone M.C. Member — A. E. Day (Dellow)
750-c.c. Class — M. R. B Cannon (Cannon-Austin)
1,100-c.c. Class — J. C. Smith (J.C.S.)
1,300-c.c. Class — M. H. Lawson (Lotus)
Unlimited — W. H. Waring (s/c. W.H.W.)
First-Class Awards — A. A. Baring (Cotton), A. G. Imhof (Imhof), J. H. Appleton (Appleton), E. G. Spence (Spence), A. E. Rumfitt (Cotton).
Second-Class Awards — R. Chappell (s/c. Dellow), S. Sweeney (s/c. Vauxhall Special), P. Barden (s/c. Dellow), E. J. Chandler (Chandler Special), L. J. Onslow-Bartlett (Austin Special).


Lonsdale Trophy Trial (Oct. 28th)

Lonsdale Trophy — B. Hercock (M.G.)
Novice Award — A. Jelly (Vauxhall Velox)
First-Class Awards — I. Williams (Dellow), R. Yates (Vanguard)
Second-Class Awards — K. Law (Singer), E. Creasey (R.L.C. Special)


Riley M.C. Keswick Rally (Nov. 2nd/3rd)

The Peter Gorna Trophy — J. V. Holt, 474 marks
The Burkhardt Trophy — N. S. Robbins, 478 marks.
Class A (R.M.C. North-West Centre Trophy) — P. B. Reece, 541 marks.
Class C (J. G. Harris Trophy). — K. A. Bonnaud, 578 marks
Class D (President’s Trophy). — H. Upton, 485 marks
Novice’s Award — P. H. Smith, 520 marks
First-Class Awards — H. S. Marks, 504; E. G. Parry, 527; J. Barnes, 540.

Concours d’Elegance Awards

Class 1. — W. Enderby, 90 marks
Class 2. — J. Barnes, 86 marks, and P. H. Smith, 86 marks (tie).
Class 3. — E. G. Parry, 75 marks.


S.U.N.B.A.C. Vesey Trial (Nov. 3rd)

Vesey Cup — R. Merrick (Atkinson Special)
Carless Cup  — A. W. Francis (H.R.G.-Mercury)
Watson Glynne Bowl — C. L. Bold (Bold)
First-Class Award — K. C. Delingpole (Dellow)
Second-Class Awards — C. Corbishley (C.C.S.), R. B. Lowe (Dellow), J. D. Sleeman (Sleeman), C. R. Hardman (Dellow), E. J. P. Reynolds (Dellow), L. J. Oliver (Oliver), F. E. Wall (Dellow)


Cemian M.C. Knowland Trophy Trial (Nov. 4th)

The Ceinian M.C. had obviously taken real pains over this trial,which, counting towards the H.A.C. Championship, started and finished from Hindhead and took in a sporting 30-Mile course in the beautiful country around Midhurst. It was unfortunate that torrential rain fell most of the time, for you want this the night before but not during a trial. However, the boys and girls turned out in force to compete (41 entries) and spectate, and if some girl-friends new to the game found mud still adhering to their coats and umbrellas days later, at the time, at all events, everyone seemed to take the conditions philosophically.

There was some delay before the first section because the caterpillar Fordson tractor arrived on a lorry just ahead of the first competitor and we were treated to an unexpected driving test as it was driven precariously off its lorry. This section, of deep slime, stopped only about three cars. In contrast, the last hill, consisting of a climb over leaf mould to a vicious S-bend over a bank, defeated all save E. J. Chandler’s blown Ford Ten-engined Chandler Special, which sounded very healthy and made this obstacle, which defeated even Imhof, Rumfitt, Pentony and Mallock, look easy. Miss Price made a splendid effort but, like all the others save Chandler, had to give best to the bank.

Results :

Knowland Trophy — H. S. Sweeney (Vauxhall Special, s/c.)
Best Cemian Member — B. H. Dees (Dellow, s/c.)
Best Invited Member — E. J. Chandler (Chandler Special s/c.)
First-Class Awards — G. Pentony (Cyclops), A. G. Imhof (Imhof Special), M. A. Lawson (Lotus I), A. E. Rumfitt (Cotton II)
Second-Class Awards — A. A. Baring (Cotton). H. Hopkinson (Ausford), E. G. Spence (Spence), E. W. H Brookes (Brookes).


Cheltenham M.C. Trial (Nov. 10th)

Best Performance of the Day (irrespective Of Class) — G. Pentony (1.442-c.c. Pentony)
Best Performance in Class B. — W. H. Waring (1,196-c.c W.H.W)
Best Performance in Class C. — J. Readings (1,781-c.c. Regent)
Best Performance by C.M.C Member (resident within 15 miles). — F. M. Harris (747-c.c. Austin)