BOOKS FOR CHRISTMAS books form excellent

Motoring books form excellent presents at Christmas-time and there is a very wide selection to choose from. ()ne of the newest titles will be tlw 1952 Motor sport ‘lacing 00n which is due out on December 10th. As in previous years. this beautifully

illustrated book. written I) .8..Ienkinson. deseribes not onlythe outstanding Formula I and 11 racing ears of the past season, reemintitig !tow each. Marque fared in those races in Witinh it took part, but. also sorts out the successes and fidlureS, modilleatitalS and 011angeS of driver encountered Ity individual ears. ‘rids eagerly-awaited annual raving-car volume is published by the Grenville Publishing Co„ Ltel., and casts Ss. 6d. The Foreword is hy the Editor of moToa Situ am. Also published hy Grenville is Ow ” Story if 13rooklands,” b■,. NV. 130ddv, which, in three volumes, covers the history of racing at, Ilrooklatals Track and contains in all some 250 pluitographs 7111d much data attend; It rooklaiids ears, I oth famous and obscure. together with records, tables, results, eft’. These volumes cost 12s. tid. each, the lirst covering the years 1906-1924, I he sreond 1925-1932 and the third 1935-1940. Each has a Foreword by John Cobb. holder of the Itrooklands lap-record. Allot lwr popular Grenville book. prieed at 8s. 6d., is Ow ” 200 Mile Race,” by the same author, which t deals with this .1XX, elassic. at Brooklands and Dottington, fro it 1 921 to 1938, The Foreword

in this case is by .1. NIorgan. These books are obtainable. from good booksellers, On I hey 11111iiell tO yon direct, or to your friends to reacti them as Christ-tints present’s, oil application to theGrenville Publishing Co., Ltd., 15. City

Bond. London, Postage on each volume is 6d. extra.