"Buick Bygones"



-Buick Bygones’. Sir.


I read with great interest your article -Buick Bygones”. I am in the process ol restoring a 1924 Buick McLoughlin (Buick Canadian off-shoot English-bodied limousine. It’s Masible that the bodywork teas commissioned through the London agents Lendrum and Hartman as the vehicle in rutnoured to have originated from the Crystal Palace area.

The body was built by The Elkington Girriage Company. Kings Road, Chelsea.

‘rho National Motor Museuni has no reeord ot them. I imagine they must have been a small ,:oncern. The Buick’s radiaoir teas nearly identical to Packard and to talunter Buick’s slogan of When better cars are built Buick will build them. Packard’s was: When prettier cars are built Packard will build them, (A new one to its. C. the Packard club comment? — Ed.) Crow.rough, Sussex IAN PRATT