Accessories & Components we have testes

Accessories &Components we have -tested


As may be gathered from the illustration, the indications of the new instrument are seen through a window in the face of the meter, the exact gradient being shown by the figure, which is at any time opposite the pointers. The scale is divided from level to a gradient of i in 21, and thus includes the determination of the worst hills encountered during the course of severe competition events.

Other improvements incorporated in the new Tapley meter are the adjustment for setting the instrument exactly level, and an arrangement whereby the sensitiveness of the indication can be regulated to suit the particular car on which the meter is fitted.

When it is stated that a variation in car pull amounting to as little as six pounds, on a car weighing a ton, can be detected on the revolving scale meter, the value of the indications in observing or improving the performance of a car is very evident.

The principle of the Tapley Gradient Meter depends upon the action of a pendulum, controlled by a magnet and enclosed in a fluid with the object of providing a steady movement, but without going deeply into the subject, it is impossible to enumerate the various advantages offered to the car owner, who takes a practical interest in road efficiency. A very useful booklet on the subject of “Intelligent Motoring” has been produced by the manufacturers, Messrs. Tapley & Co., Belvidere Works, Tot ton., Southampton.


The common troubles experienced when using faulty rings may be enumerated as follows :—( z) Weak compression and loss of power ; (2) Poor acceleration ; (3) Misfiring due to oily plugs ; (4) Heavy oil consumption ; (5) Crankcase dilution.

All these considerations have been taken into account in the design and manufacture of the ” Clupet ” ring, which is of very ingenious construction and is made from a single piece ; not, as might be supposed on first examination, from two pieces welded together at the bridge.

The working surfaces of the ring are carefully ground, and the design allows accurate fitting, even in the case of a worn cylinder bore.

” Clupet ” rings are manufactured by The Clews Peterson Piston Ring and Engineering Co., Ltd., of Mill Hill Lane, West Hampstead, N.W. 6, and are stocked in a variety of sizes, to suit all kinds of engines.


Unprotected springs may lead to several undesirable conditions, such as :—(i) Danger of leaf fracture ; (2) Rusting between the leaves ; (3) Increased tendency to side slip ; (4) Squeaks due to absence of lubrication, etc.

The principle of the Jeavons Gaiter is based upon the idea of conveying a thin lubricant along suitable ducts, formed inside the gaiter, by means of a removable pressure pump. The ducts, or conveyors, are made of an oil retaining wick, and suitable pads are provided to ensure the admission of the oil between the leaves as the spring flexes.

Jeavons Lubricating Spring Gaiters are made by Messrs. Ramsdens (Halifax), Ltd., Station Works, Halifax, and a London Depot is established at 147-9, Gt. Portland Street, W. 1.


We have had one of these useful little fittings in service for some months, and have -found it to possess virtues not usually existing in dash lamps of the ordinary pattern. As shown in the accompanying illustration, the ” Bamaclite ” is made for attachment to the steering column and is so designed to throw a really useful light from one end of the instrument board to the other.

Readers who have taken part in competitions involv lug some twenty-four hours on the road, will realise the necessity for adequate illumination of the instrument board, for one can easily become disqualified from winning a ” gold” simply because in the semi-darkness it has been impossible to take an accurate reading from the speedometer. If, as is often the case with the advanced type of driver, the instrument board is liberally supplied with various indicators, the ” Barnaclite ” lamp is more than usually advantageous.

The lamp holder is cylindrical in shape, with an adjustable top arranged so that the beam of light can be narrow or wide as desired. Thus if one only happens to be concerned with a single instrument on the board, the rest of the space will not throw a reflection back to irritate the driver. If, on the other hand, several instruments require attention, the lamp will provide full illumination in a very effective way.

The Barnaclite is one of the useful products manufactured by A. W. Puckert, Elderline Avenue, Norbury, S.W. 16.


Opinions are divided as to the use of any form of spring damper on the front forks of a motor bicycle, and those who have not tried fitting them, very often ridicule the idea that they are necessary.

Hartfords not only increase the comfort and stability of the machine, but their influence on the life of the springs or spring is very noticeable. The shackles and joints of the forks and head are kept tight and the wear on the pins will be found to be negligible.

The steering damper is generally mounted on the top of the steering head, and is attached to the top tube. This has a special feature, apart from the feeling of security that it gives at all speeds, in that it permits correctly adjusted steering heads —a thing seldom in evidence except on new machines—and takes the tremendous strain generally imposed on the ball bearings and cups.

Hartfords are becoming a necessity on the track, owing to its patchy state, and the high speeds which are the order of the day, and the time is past when machines were raced with bare springs and the head screwed up almost to the danger point.

The Hartford Shock Absorber is handled by Messrs. T. B. Andre & Co., Ltd., of 5, Dering Street, W. I.


Perhaps the most interesting feature of this magneto is the employment of a stationary armature and rotating magnets, which is a complete reversal of the ordinary method of construction, though it has been applied with varying success by other manufacturers.

Possibly the motor car owner is less interested in the theories of any given piece of apparatus than in its performance, so while leaving any interesting technical details, we may confine our remarks to personal experience of performance.

We tried one of the B.L.I.C. Magnetos last Whitsun, and it has been in continuous use every since. As far as trouble is concerned, we could have forgotten there was such a thing as a magneto on the engine. A few weeks ago, prompted by a smitten conscience, we took the instrument down for cleaning purposes. To our surprise no adjustment of any kind, not even the setting of the contact points, was necessary and from the general condition, we expect it to be running just as well this time next year.

The magneto stands up well to high engine speeds, having been actually tested up to 4,000 r.p.m. before being fitted to the car in question, and its general performance leaves nothing to be desired.