Rumblings, February 1932



The J.C.C. 1,000 Miles.

FULI, particulars and regulations of this event are now available, and it will be run on June 3rd and 4th. It has, of course, been introduced in place of the Double-Twelve, which although an excellent test for cars, was rather too tedious an affair for most people, either as competitors or spectators.

There are several interesting features about the latest effort, and some others which are a trifle disappointing. For instance, the same course is being used as in last year’s Double-Twelve, and therefore it will have the disadvantages of this event in certain measure. Apart from the question of the spectators’ view of the corner, which has been dealt with before in MoTOR SPORT, it is not a very good corner for a race, being an evolution more ordinarily performed in an aeroplane than in a motor car.

The earlier Double-Twelve course, coming down the straight and onto the banking, seemed better and safer, as regards the actual corner itself, though last year’s event showed that there need be no worry on this latter score in either direction. Another point is the fact that the track definitely seemed to have more hard bumps when running in a clockwise direction than the usual way. However, the race ought to be good as being run at a higher speed than its forerunner, and we seem to have given up all ideas of ” road ” corners in long distance events nowadays at Brooklands. The argument advanced by the powers-that-he is that the ordinary public (not you and I—we don’t matter !) does not appreciate the

niceties of cornering, and becomes bored with a lot of cars following the same course steadily round a corner. All of which is probably correct, and after all the track has to cater for all tastes if it is to keep the funds going. Nevertheless, it is a pity that the great British Public, backbone of the public enclosure and all that, doesn’t know a little more about motor racing. Not that they are likely to, while our rulers frown on road racing and continue to legislate for the motorist as if he (or she) were either an irresponsible child or a potential criminal.

However we are wandering most distressfully from the point, which is the J.C.C.’s effort for next June. One interesting and excel ent feature is that the handicaps are arranged on a curve which allows for quite small differences in capacity; there are separate curves for blown and unblown cars, and cars may be run stripped, i.e., sans hood, screen, wings, or lamps, as per new T.T. regulations. Each car will have to cover 400 laps (1,046.4

miles) and the first day’s racing will stop when the leader has covered half this distance.

The cars must be production types in the usual way (the scrutineers’ decision is final) and the bodies must conform to the usual international regulations. Other details are :—mechanics are optional, ladies may drive, and the starter need only be used at the beginning of the race.

An idea of the comparative speeds required by various cars is given in the following table.

Engine capacity in c.c. Unsupercharged

cars m.p.h. Supercharged

cars m.p.h. 750 73 83 I 100 80 87 1500 83 90 2000 86 92.75 2500 88 94.75 3000 90 95.75 4000 92 96.5 5000 & over 93.5 97

Entries at 15 guineas close on March 31st, at double fees on April 30th and at 40 guineas on May 9th.

Full particulars can be obtained from the Junior Car Club, Thurloe Place. S.W.7. (Continua overleaf)

Work at the Track.

Brooklands at this time of the year presents a sorry sight to the enthusiast, with its concrete torn up in all directions, but there is no doubt that a real effort is being made to smooth things out. The task is no easy one, as concrete is not easily patched up, and complete resurfacing is, of course, out of the question. The home banking and railway straight are having a rare overhaul, but’ I hope they will not forget the fork end of the finishing straight, especially as the J.C.C. 1000 miles is going to be run over it. However, they can’t be expected to do everything at once, and they are certainly very busy down there at the present time.

Rally .Methods.

I was talking to a well known trials and rally exponent recently about the methods and snags in negotiating really frozen country, as met with in a show like. the Monte Carlo Rally. Apparently on long stretches of ice-bound road where

the gradients are easy, the method is to use chains only on one front wheel, and let the back take care of itself. At first the car seems to be completely out of control and

the driver concentrates grimly on correcting the continual tail wag— without effect—finally giving up the attempt and holding the steering quite slackly, when the control is just as good with far less trouble.

Corners naturally involve some pretty lurid slithers, but even so everyone gets quite used to it. The chains used, incidentally, are very hearty affairs with crossbars made with great teeth which really get hold of the ice and show it where it gets off ! It would be most unpleasant to get run over by such a device. Of course, when serious hills occur its a case of chains all round.

Other equipment carried by these enthusiasts includes “de-ditching gear,” in other words suitable blocks and tackle for attaching to the nearest tree (if any) and drawing the vehicle on to the road again.

That is the sort of main road motoring which has some kick in it, so it is small wonder that those who can manage it take this chance of forgetting for a bit that their home motoring consists so much of crowded roads and childish laws.