READERS will be interested to learn that Mr. Vernon Balls has acquired a team of 1100 c.c. Crossley 10 h.p. cars for the 1932 Season.

It is a matter of great satisfaction that the old and well-known British firm of Crossley Motors are reentering the motor racing field, and under the experienced leadership of Mr. Balls these cars should render a good account of themselves.

In a later issue we shall be publishing full details of the new chassis, which we understand will be known as the Vernon model.

This new chassis embodies several novel and interesting ideas which have been evolved and tried out by Mr. Balls himself in the course of his lengthy racing career, and Mr. Weslake, of the Engine Research Co., Ltd., is to be responsible for many modifications to the engine.

Crossley Motors Ltd., are one of the oldest firms in the industry, and in the past Crossleys were very successful indeed in the racing work, and obtained a large number of prizes for hill climbs etc. ; their re-entry will, therefore, be watched with unusual interest.