we now have ready

WE NOW HAVE READY CLOTH BOUND EDITIONS OF VOLUME VII (which contains the issues from November, 1930 to October, 1931) OF OTOR SPORT

The charge for this Volume is 12/6 (Postage 9d. extra). Covers for Binding Volume VII (including Title

Page and Index) 5/each (Post free).

Readers’ copies can be bound together with Index and Title Page (Volume VII.) of Motor Sport for the inclusive price of 6/6 each.

We can supply many single copies of the Brooklands Gazette” and ” Motor Sport” from the first issue, July, 1924, to the present date at an exclusive charge of 6d. to 2/according to year of issue. WE CAN SUPPLY FROM STOCK THE FOLLOWING:

Volume 2 at £1 1 Postage 9d. Volume 4-5 at Ll 2 6 Postage 9d.

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(Volume 5 contains only 3 ‘issues). 11 3 at £1 1 6 at 15/

17 4 at £1 1 I? MOTOR SPORT (1929) LTD., 39, VICTORIA STREET, LONDON, S.W.1