A Proposed New Club.

A Proposed New Club.

We have received the following suggestion of the formation of a new club from Mr. W. Boddy, of 13, Hillier Road, London, S.W.11, who invites any other enthusiasts to whom the idea appeals to get in touch with him so tuat some definite move can be made. M a AY I take up some of your valuable space to suggest that a club might be formed to cater for all real enthusiasts. As no definite rule can be drawn up to define a “real enthusiast” it is necessary to attempt, by limiting membership to certain classes of owners, to attract only those people to whom this description applies. Therefore it is suggested that membership should be limited to owners of :—

(a) Racing cars built more than five Years ago. (b) Sports cars that are no longer in production, and

(c) Certain types of home-built cars. Such a club could organize, at suitable Places, meetings at which members could examine each other’s cars. Speed races and speed hill-climbs open to other clubs could be arranged, while club lap records for Brooklands, to be attempted on non race days with club officials in attendance, would provide a novel feature. It might be possible to arrange town-town records, Prcwiding the safety-first factor was rigidly enforced. Incidentally all members would be expected to observe a high standard of ordinary driving and to keep their cars clean in appearance and quiet hi operation. A library of instruction books and technical works should be

easily acquired, and, eventually, it might be possible to obtain a workshop for club use. Lectures on technical subjects would provide another sphere of activity. The social and trials side of the club would proceed on conventional lines. If anyone would care to attempt to organise such a club the writer will do everything in his power to assist, and already there are several prospective members.”

A Wonderful Racing Stable.

The lack of official Alfa Romeo participation in the big races of 1933 will be considerably atoned for by the news that the Ferrari stable, of Modena, has outlined an ambitious programme for the coming season. First, as to drivers. All are Italians, with the exception of Stuck von Villiez, the Shelsley record holder, who, however, will only race occasionally. The others are Nuvolari, Borzacchini, Brivio, Carraroli, Comotti, d’Ippolito, Siena, Tadino, Taruffi, and Trossi.

The list of cars is just as impressive, There are 18 in all, made up of 6 racing 2.3 litre Alfa Romeos, and 5 sports editions of the same type, 2 racing 1,750 c.c. Alfa Romeos, 3 M.G. Magnettes (one of which will probably be unblown) and finally 2 single seater 3 litre Maseratis.

Needless to say, the Maseratis will be entrusted to Nuvolari and Borzacchini, except when the former is piloting the new Fiat sports model in the Targa Florio, the Monaco G.P. and the Coppa Ciano. The first event in which the stable will be represented is the Grand Prix of

Tunis, when Nuvolari and Siena will be sent to the line.

Altogether, the Ferrari stable seems likely to provide very stern opposition to the official teams racing throughout the season.

A Free Offer.

Nothing tends to produce excessive wear in the engine and chassis of a car so rapidly as lack of lubrication, or alternatively the inferior quality of the oil and grease used.

Many greasing points on cars are often so obscurely placed as to be easily forgotten, with attendant bad results, and the surest way of avoiding this is to refer to a lubrication chart of the chassis of one’s car. In order to avoid soiling the chart in an instruction-book with greasy fingers, the Filtrate oil people have hit upon the excellent scheme of producing chassis lubrication charts for individual cars, of a size sufficient to be pinned on the wall. The charts, which are finished with a varnished, damp-proof surface, are available for the following cars : Armstrong Siddeley 12 h.p., 15 h.p. and 20 h.p., Morris Minor, Morris Ten, Morris Cowley, Morris Major, Ford -Model A.B. and A.B.F., Ford V.8, Austin Seven, Austin Ten-Four, Austin Twelve-Six, Austin light Twelve-Four, Wolseley Hornet, Wolseley Hornet Special, and Wolseley Sixteen. Owners of any of the above cars, on mentioning MOTOR SPORT, will be able to obtain copies of these useful charts, post free, from the Filtrate people, whose address is Messrs. Ed. Joy & Sons, Ltd., Filtrate Works, Leeds,