ABS Drawbacks
Sir, I was interested to read the comments of your correspondent in the November issue concerning the possible drawbacks of having large numbers of ABS-equipped vehicles at large on our…
* * * WOT, NO MORGANS ? Sir,
During the Christmas holiday I studied the three volumes, of your work ” The Story of Brooklands,” the world’s first motor course— being a present from my wife—and was dismayed to find that you had omitted to. include among the grand collection of photographs any of that fine piece of machinery the Morgan tricycle. I find it hard to excuse this omission when reznembering the many great men (and women) who raced this -machine with its unique suspension and tubular backbone chassis. And there are those who spent love and care in tuning, with successful results, the potent vee-twin engines by Prestwich, Blackburn and Anzani. 1 um, Yours, etc.,
Edgware. BARRY MARSHALL. [I have the greatest admiration for the exploits of the. Morgan three-wheeler fraternity at 13rooklanda; the. reason no picture of one of these cars appears in ” The Story of Brooklands ” is that after a time these vehicles became nobody’s children, not catered for by the B.A.R.C., banned by the J.e.C., relegated to A.C.U.-controlled passenger motor-cycle races. And the volumes referred to are Mainly concerned with B.A.R.C. racing, although Morgan achieveinents are covered in the text. In ” The 200-Mile Race ” I have included a picture of what I think is a rather nice early Brooklands Morgan.–W. B.1