100,000 R.-R. Miles


I have this week marked up 100,000 miles in a Mark VI Bentley saloon, and I would be delighted to take you out in it for a day when the weather is better. Rolls-Royce offer the best personal transport available, for the sort of people who can afford that sort of money. Until you yourself have owned and driven one of these vehicles for about 100,000 miles, you are not really in a position to make criticisms which are worth considering.

It is the only car that I have owned which has the remarkable ability not to irritate, even when one has driven the same vehicle year in, year out, for five years, and there is no doubt whatever when I say, without fear of contradiction, that it is the only one which will “stand the stick.” I remember an American sergeant telling me that if you give them the foot they all blow up, except for the Duesenberg, but then these don’t exist any more.



(Name and address supplied. While being grateful for this gentleman’s generous offer, we do not usually road-test privately owned vehicles, for various reasons which should be obvious. In any case, if it is necessary to wait for better weather before this Bentley can be extended, I prefer to decline! As to whether only Bentley and Duesenberg will stand full-throttle without blowing-up, this is an argument I don’t propose to get drawn into for all the fuel in the pipe-line. – ED)