V -E-V odds & ends.

V-E-V Odds and Ends -Monica Whincop has acquired a 1920/21 Fiat 501 with sports bodywork, to keep her well-known HRG 1100 company. The Registrar of the Austin Big-Seven Register tells us that it is now active again. It is an Associate of the Austin Seven Clubs’ Association and the Secretary is: J. M. Debens, 159 Werburgh Drive, Trentham, Stoke-on-Trent, who would be pleased to hear from those who know of Big-Sevens not in the Register and those for sale, or spares for same. The Surrey VVS is marking its Toth Anniversary with a quiz on February 22nd, at Lakers Hotel, Redstone Hill, Redhill, when the Morris Register, the SE Section of the VCC and the Association of Singer CC, are expecting to form teams with the organising Club. A reader living in Sussex is restoring a La Licorne which had been converted into a farmtractor and seeks information as to what the rear part of the body should look like. The work has been proceeding for three years; letters can be forwarded (sec letter above). Another reader, also in Sussex, is seeking a handbook relating to the 1930 boat-tail Triumph Super Seven two-seater, an example of which he has recently purchased. A correspondent has pointed out that the Straker-Squire which a Miss Mitchell and her father drove in the 1920’s North Country speed-events, was presumably a racing version, as at one such contest it was beaten only by J. A. Joyce’s single-seater AC (see also “Vintage Postbag”). A garage proprietor in North Wales, where a Straker-Squire front axle has recently come to light in a barn, still uses a circa-193o-31 Austin Seven “top-hat” saloon to attend breakdowns. Charlie Hyde, who has retired from Vauxhall Motors Ltd. and now lives in Norfolk, is restoring a 1924 M-t ype 14/40 Vauxhall. W.B.