Donald Campbell - The Man Behind the Mask

By David Tremayne ISBN 593 05058 4 Published by Bantam, £20

Earlier Campbell biogs have concentrated on the shadow of his father, hinting that the playboy lifestyle and the women were a consequence of this struggle to outdo him.

Tremayne goes deeper: though his father said dismissive things to him, and he did crave the old man’s respect, his speed compulsion was in the genes — Donald was not stunted by Malcolm, but inspired by him.

Gina Cambell’s highly approving foreword supports the book’s depth and honesty, which depicts Campbell’s superstitions and later disappointment as frankly as the triumphs.

With technical detail to reinforce just how much Campbell did achieve, this is an absorbing read. The words of those close to him confirm that this was a brave, forceful and charming man. GC