Uphill racers


After several years effort my book covering the history of British speed hill climbing, Uphill Racers, is within twelve months of publication. The major task remains to make a final selection of photographs and I would be grateful if I could make a plea through your columns for the right sort of pictures.

I already have on file pictures and references kindly supplied by many people on learning that I was undertaking this project. I remain anxious to obtain pre-World War Two photographs which convey the atmosphere and the personalities of the earlier years of the sport. More recent times present less of a problem and a number of sources are available but I would still appreciate receiving ‘modern’ shots of off-beat or dramatic situations and of the sport’s personalities.

Photographs have great sentimental value and in order to preserve everyone’s peace of mind I would ask readers to send prints rather than negatives although all will be returned when required, after use. Naturally, full credit will be given where pictures are published.

Chris Mason, Strensall, Yorkshire Letters will be forwarded. WB