A Plus-Gas kit

Plus-Gas has earned a top-reputation as a rust-remover, so we were interested to learn that its dispensers, Plus-Gas Bennett Marketing Ltd., have introduced what they call a “Chemical Toolkit”, one of which they sent us. This comprised five aerosols. The first contained 7 oz. of Plus-Gas Formula-A penetrating oil, which was most welcome, as it arrived as my Son-in-Law, bereft temporarily of the rebuilt 1922 Talbot-Darracq as it had split its cylinder head on the eve of an intended journey in it from Scotland to Wales, was working on my 1925 Cluley. The next aerosol was filled with 8¾ oz. of Neverseize, for treating bolts whose nuts might otherwise seize on due to corrosion, dirt or heat. We reserved this for future use, when the chassis is reassembled. Next from this kit came 7 oz. of Universal Maintenance Spirit, which can be used as a lubricant of small moving parts or to delay corrosion on chromium. For the moment we had no use for this and turned to the remaining two aerosols. The first gave 7 oz. of Wetstart, the use of which will be obvious to owners of damp-prone modern engines but which, as the sun was out, we didn’t require. The last can was 5¼ oz. of Superstart, intended for spraying into the carburetter intake of a truly recalcitrant power-unit. Fortunately our ancient engine responded to simple towing, having jibbed years previously, not as I had thought due to absence of sparks, but because of a fuel blockage.

These Plus-Gas products are handy to have about. The individual aerosols cost from 85p to 79p or, kitted-up £3.41–W.B.