2010s at Motor Sport magazine

Motor Sport Magazine 2010s mags

Progressive. That’s the most appropriate summary of the past decade, under the steady hand of Edward Atkin. From Chelsea Wharf, we launched our Hall of Fame, hosting star-studded events at The Roundhouse in Camden, the Royal Opera House and the Royal Automobile Club at Woodcote Park. A rapid expansion into the digital sphere added to our reach and reportoire. Then mid-decade we moved to our current home in Rosemont Road, NW3. Inevitably, there have been losses too. The passing of WB in 2011, at the age of 98, brought to an end a career that spanned an astonishing 81 years. He filed his last copy just a week before he died – and we knew Motor Sport could never be the same again. Today, under editor Joe Dunn, Motor Sport, in print and online, continues to press on regardless in the spirit of Bod and Jenks as we complete a giant lap and head into our second century. Whatever next? One thing we know: it won’t be dull.

Motor Sport Magazine April 2010

Return of the King – April 2010

Motor Sport Magazine December 2019

Ford vs Ferrari – December 2019

Motor Sport Magazine August 2013

Coulthard Drives Clarks’s Lotus 25 – August 2013

Motor Sport Magazine March 2017

Dawn of the Grand Prix Car – March 2017

Motor Sport Magazine July 2018

Brits storm into Le Mans ’18 – July 2018