A Steamer on M I

I purchased my Foden tractor (No. 13784), registered in 1932, in 1959 and have now completed one season of rallying, the longest trip being down to Woburn Abbey. On the return journey I came up M1 as far as Northampton; could this be the first steamer to travel on the M1? Woburn Abbey is 90 miles from Redhill, and when I fetched the Foden back I started out from Redhill at 6 a.m. in a 1955 VW. At 7.46 a.m, we were in the Abbey grounds and we had steam up and were coming out again at 9.20 a.m.; the journey to Redhill was completed at 6 p.m. If this can be done by an amateur, surely there is still a multitude of jobs which could be done by steam vehicles running on home-produced coal; in fact, feel it would pay the Government to allow these vehicles to run on the roads tax free.

I am, Yours, etc.,
C. F. Hutchinson.

[Mr. Hutchinson’s Foden is a short-wheelbase tractor with pneumatic front and solid rear tyres. The driver has a closed cab, on the side of which is a reminder — you just can’t get away from it! — that his firm are Volkswagen Specialists. — Ed.]

Photo caption: The remarkable Sentinel tractor seen by readers at Teignmouth Docks.