The R.A.C. explains

I would appreciate the hospitality of your columns in order to clear up any misunderstandings about the R.A.C.’s Rescue Services which may have arisen as a result of the letter from Mr. F.W. Landgrebe. There is no weight-limit on cars which precludes them from the scheme. We do not, however, give assistance to commercial vehicles above 30 cwt. It appears that when Mr. Landgrebe telephoned, the Rescue Operator dealing with the call apparently gained the impression that the vehicle involved was a commercial one although Mr. Landgrebe stated that it was a V12 Lagonda. Alas, none of us is infallible and this was a case of human error, for which we apologise. However, other members owning heavy cars need not he afraid that the will be refused “rescue,” should they ever need it.

London S.W.1. Phil Drackett, Public Relations Office, The Royal Automobile Club.