Cars in books, March 1970


You may be interested in the various references to cars in “Farouk of Egypt” by Barrie St. Clair McBride, published by Robert Hale in 1967:

Page 55,—First cars given to Farouk from his 11th year onwards, being:
1. Austin 7 in 1931 present from his father.
2. Fiat, unspecified (present from King of Italy),
3. “Morris racing Model” (see page 65)
Page 65, (facing).—Plate of Farouk in MG TA?
Page 91.—Mention of Farouk driving to Alexandria in Alfa Romeo (in 1937, he was 17) to propose to the future Queen Farida.
Page 92.—Amongst wedding presents (1938): “from Hitler, a Mercedes-Benz sports’ coupe”.
Page 139.—A list of his cars at an unspecified time, presumably 1940-45: “A Jeep, a Ford, a Lincoln Continental, two Packard cabriolets, a Chrysler fluid drive, a Mercedes-Benz and four state Rolls-Royces”.
Page 140.—The Jeep (with mounted machine-gun) was apparently given by the Americans.
Page 167.—”Perilous” driving of heads of British Services in “new red MG sports car” on his country estate (1950).
Page 221.—White Fiat 2300, owned by Farouk in 1965 just before his death in Rome. There is also a mention of a motorcade containing crimson Cadillacs or Rolls-Royces.

J. A. Haywood.