A year with a Golf


I have been an avid reader of your excellent magazine for around 15 years now and have always been very interested in your readers’ letters, especially their comments, reports etc. on their own cars. Till now I myself have never had anything of interest to report, but as the 8th January was the first anniversary of my Golf LS, I felt that I would report on my year’s motoring. During the year the car has covered 23,218 miles and used 714.68 gallons of two-star, an average of 32.49 miles per gallon a very good figure I feel as the car spends most of its time in the 60/70 m.p.h. bracket. The car has been almost 100 per cent. reliable, the only trouble being with the timing just prior to the 20,000 mile service. Servicing for the year has cost a total of 84.74 and has been carried out on each occasion by Blackadder Motor Co. of Falkirk, the suppliers of the car. I have nothing but praise for this firm who have always been pleasant to deal with and have always done an excellent job -needless to say I have no connection with this firm other than being a very satisfied customer.

When I see the replacement cost of the car wonder if a new one is really worth the money, but then again what price a year’s complete reliability coupled with comfort and rapid enjoyable motoring?