A tribute to Archie Frazer-Nash

A fine collection of seventeen chain-driven Frazer Nash cars assembled in London Road, Kingston-upon-Thames on February 2nd for the ceremonial unveiling of a circular plaque let into the wall above the central door of the factory owned by Delta Controls Ltd. at 145 London Road. This ceremony was carried out with the co-operation of the management of Delta Controls Ltd. and under the official eye of the Kingston town council, represented by the Deputy Mayor. The cars were lined up in the roadway (parked on double-yellow lines!) and the Mayoral Daimler occupied the neighbouring bus-stop, while members and friends of the Frazer Nash Section of the VSCC filled the pavement and flowed out into the roadway. 

The reason for this pleasant little ceremony, performed by Archie Frazer-Nash’s daughters, before the Nash Section and members of the Aldington family and employees of AFN Ltd. was that Archie Frazer-Nash lived in Kingston-upon-Thames from the early twenties until his death in 1965 and built and sold Frazer Nash cars at 145 London Road from 1925-1928. It was in this factory that the Anzani engine was made, that was fitted to so many Frazer Nash cars, while Archie lived on Kingston Hill in his later years, from where he operated as an engineering consultant.

The commemorative plaque is a relief of Archie’s head behind the steering wheel of one of his racing cars, wearing a helmet and raised goggles and the inscription reads “Archie Frazer-Nash, 1889-1965”. A fitting memorial for the man who brought the chain-driven Frazer Nash into the world; a car that still gives a lot of people a great deal of enjoyment. — D.S.J.

Footnote: In case newer readers think we, and our printers, are slap-dash it should be noted that there is a hyphen in Frazer-Nash as a personal name, but no hyphen in Frazer Nash as a car.