


The Bugatti Owners’ Club will hold an Open Speed Hill-Climb at Prescott on Sunday, May 14th, commencing at 2 p.m. Entries close on May 4th. There are classes for sports-cars up to 1k-litres, of 13.-3-litres, and over 3-litres, subdivided into blown and unblown categories. The racing-car classes are : up to 750 c.c., 751-1,500 c.c. ; 1,501-2,000 c.c., and unlimited. There is also a handicap class and a contest for pre-1915 cars on the Clutton formula. Entry fees are for sports and veteran cars and 13 per entry for racing-cars. The awards include the Bachelier Challenge Cup, Percy Fawcett Challenge Cup, Brescia Challenge Cup, replicas, many silver cups, and cash prizes totalling ,693. Victor Ludorum marks will be awarded to

B.O.C. members. Sports-cars can run in the appropriate racing class, but cars cannot run in capacity divisions outside their engine size. Practising takes place on Saturday May 13th from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. and on the Sunday from 10.80 a.m. to 1 p.m.—so there is plenty to watch. The hill is 880 yards long, and electrically timed. The hill record is held by Abecassis (Alta) in 47.85 secs. and the sports-car record by Pane’s Frazer-Nash-B.M.W. The bends are slower than those at Shelsley but instructive to watch and the course is definitely of a tricky nature. Spectators gain admission for 2/6 a head and an excellent view of almost the whole of the course can be had from the enclosures. The course is near Cheltenham, at Gotherington, in Gloucestershire, 95 miles from London on fast roads— not 120 miles as lots of people seem to think. Prescott opened only last year and is already world-famous. It should be even better this season and you should enter May 14th in your diary now. Incidentally, rules have already been published relating to the International

meeting on July 30th. All particulars from : Eric Giles, 2, Queen Street, W.1.


The positions for the B.R.D.C. Road Star, up to date, are : Peter Aitken 14 points ; A. P. R. Rolt 10 points ; A. B.

Hyde 6 points ; J. F. Gee 4 points ; Lord Howe 3 points and R. Parnell 2 points.

For the B.R.D.C. Track Star Ian Connell and F. R. Gerard led with 6 points each from C. H. Dunham, who had 4 points, prior to the Easter B.A.R.C. meeting, when Connell obviously strengthened his position. For the B.R.D.C. Bonus Awards Hadley, Gee, Aitken, Pollock, Rolt, Hyde and Parnell are out in front, all with 6 points. For the B.A.R.C. Aggregate prizes Gerard has 14 points and Dunham 12 for outer-circuit racing and Connell had 14 points and Mortimer and Parnell 18 each for road and mountain circuit racing, before the Easter Meeting. The B.A.R.C. is giving three prizes, of 05, 05 and 00, to the entrants of the best placed cars on the season’s aggregate

in each section. Points are : 8 for 1st, 7 for 2nd, 6 for 3rd, and so on, down to eighth place, with the rather essential proviso that cars must finish within 10 sees. per lap of the winner in outercircuit and road-circuit races, and 5 secs. per lap of the winner in Mountain races.