Sir, In view of the increasing interest that there appears to be in the net-so-sporting vintage light cars, and in vintage Humbert,

in particular, it has occurred to me to form a Register of vintage; Edwardian and Veteran Humbers. Briefly, what I have in mind is :—

(a) Register of owners, names and address and details of cars owned. If sufficient response, a Register could be put out. (b) Dependent on a good response to (a) above, copies of literature, handbooks, etc., could be kept permanently on loan, or, provided members of the Register would be willing to subscribe to the cost,

and again provided the work can be satisfactorily and economically carried out, photostat copies could be made, and made available to anyone who is in need of them.

(c) A news sheet could be sent out periodically with details of spares, etc, Or change of ownership. ” Roselands,” I am, Yours, etc:, St. Michaels, A. B. DEmaiss,

Tenbury, Lieut. R.N .V .S.R. Worcs.