National Benzole versus Shell


I have been disturbed lately on calling at known petrol stations to buy my usual National Benzole, to find the globe has been changed to a Shell grade.

When the selected-site system began a few years ago I applauded Shell’s wisdom on taking National Benzole into their scheme and thus adding variety to their sites.

I do hope you will be watching points on our behalf; that Benzole is not forced off the market, by monopolistic tendencies. If garage owners find Shell outsells Benzole, all well and good; a businessman must look to his best proposition. But I think the situation wants watching, don’t you ?

I am, Yours, etc,

EJ Higgins, Leeds.

[We have also been concerned at the disappearance of National Benzole pumps from favourite sites and submitted Mr Higgins’ letter to National Benzole, who reply as follows :—

“The trend of retail marketing in this country is towards the development of solos sites retailing exclusively all the motor-fuel brands of one company.

“The National Benzole Co Ltd, are pursuing a similar policy where they, in co-operation with their trade customers, can mutually arrange this.”

We interpret this fatuous statement as meaning “when we’re squeezed out of one site we’ll try and squeeze into another.”—Ed]