Continental Notes, October 1971
Tecno Grand Prix Engine One of the interesting happenings last month was the news that Tecno had got their 3-litre Grand Prix engine running, in fact it had been hoped…
The 14 h.p. ” Husky ” Sports Hillman, which was introduced recently, has already shown that it is a real sports car in performance as well as in appearance, for it has just put up some remarkable speeds at Brooklands. A standard model was taken to the track in full touring trim, less windscreen, and, officially timed by the B.A.R.C., it covered 64.19 miles in an hour. Over the flying kilometre a speed of 66.97 m.p.h. was attained.
In view of the fact that the car was in no way specially tuned, these speeds are extremely satisfactory and should do much to popularise the new model. The list price of the ” Husky ” is f385.