A Rare Crossley


I would like to thank Mr. Lee, secretary of the Crossley Register, for the information he was able to provide about the Crossley, a photograph of which you published in the July issue of Motor Sport. I can confirm that the registration of the car owned by my relation was indeed MB 3838 and I enclose another photograph, taken at the same time, which shows, clearly, the number plate, bulb horn and rear view mirror referred to by Mr. Lee.

Ashford, Eft Leguen De Lacroix

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In your July issue, E. F. T. Leguen De Lacroix requests identification sheets Crossley. This is a 19.6 Crossley fitted with a 1/4 landaulette body which could be by Crossley Motors Ltd. One of these cars was operated as a taxi in the Windermere area in the 1930s. I have cause to remember these and other Crossleys, as my late father operated several different types between 1921 and 1930, including, 1914/18 war-time Ex-W. D. J and X types. I sold my last Crossley, a 1927 20.9 Six in 1935, which I understand ended its days as a taxi on Anglesey. The Registration No. was NF 918. I wonder if anyone there remembers it?

Coniston Lake – J. E. Hellen, A.M.I.M.L.