Wrong Man(n)


It is relatively unimportant, but for the record, Patrick Lindsay did not drive our ERA R9B in the “Pre-War Allcomers” at the July VSCC Silverstone meeting. I was the driver on that occasion!

My brother Peter lost his second place in the Allcomers by seeing the chequered flag on lap 14 being got out for Simon Philips, and then easing off! He thought the race was over a lap earlier.

Blackheath – Christopher Mann

P.S. I hope that I did not lose a place in the Motor Sport Brooklands Memorial Trophy as a result of not featuring in the July result!

(Sorry! In fact I find that the written results handed to me did have Lindsay as the winner, obviously incorrectly, so I can place the onus of error elsewhere. Peter Hull’s scoring for the Memorial Trophy was correct, however, so Chris Mann’s position in the Trophy is unchanged. -Ed.)

* * *


I would love to know how you secured the information, hidden from everyone else, that Lindsay won the Pre-War Race at the July Silverstone. If this was indeed so, then he was wearing Mann’s shirt, his helmet, and a face mask while at the same time somebody (Mann?) was in Remus wearing Lindsay’s gear and a Lindsay face mask. I suppose all this is possible, but I prefer to accept the more likely view that it was Mann, in the Mann E.R.A. who won the race.

Another point: The VSCC seem quite sure that the Bayne-Powell MG ran in the 1933 Mille Miglia and may be the actual car on which Nuvolari won the TT of that year. Surely by no stretch of the imagination (which seems to have been stretched a long way already) can it be described as a blown N-type?

Englefield Green – Terence Brettell