Clark the Superstar

He became a tax exile as he couldn’t afford to stay in Scotland. Mr Wilson charged 93% for the privilege. But I think he could have earned more. Keep in mind he was very well off to start with; the Clarks had good farming land and Jimmy had more money than most would realise. He just wasn’t as hungry as some. He trusted Colin implicitly. Towards the end, I was making more than him. Colin was saying, ‘I want you to do this, and I’ll give you this to do it.’ If that amount was £10,000 and I was earning £20,000, it was wrong. He was shy to ask, and private about his own situation. Later, Jochen and I would say, ‘What are you getting? I’m being paid this.’ We thought we shouldn’t drive for the same team, because we could up the ante… He loved flying, but it could be chaotic. I remember we flew from Melbourne to Hobart and if you missed Tasmania there was nothing until the South Pole! Graham had one plane, I was with Jimmy in another. We’d agreed with Graham to stay in visual contact, in case we got lost. We didn’t know how to use the radio properly, never mind the compass. Every cloud was a drama. We asked for clearance to land and the air traffic controller got so frustrated he finally asked if we could read a compass, and did we have one on board…