

* * * Sir, I should like to echo your correspondent’s pronouncement in the June issue of MOTOR SPORT concerning the handling qualities of the post-war Morris Minor. Although its handling qualities are very good it has this significant and rather exciting habit of chucking its tail round on corners. At the speed at which this happens I defy even a Wharton to correct. Everything seems to be going nicely and then,

before you can say, “Crumbs, this is it ! “, you are progressing stern first. Now I must qualify this statement by saying that this phenomenon will not overwhelm Aunt Fanny or Uncle Albert out for a weekend spin, or any of the others in their thousands who buy this fine little car. Although I admit I sometimes enter a corner rather fast, I do not think I have ever entered a corner in my Morris Minor at anything approaching racing-car speeds, for one thing the car is not fast enough. However, all thoughts of being able to control the car round corners at safe but fast speeds must be discounted and I am grateful to Mr. Carmalt-Jones for bringing this matter to light. All enthusiasts like myself who want “to see at what speed this corner can be taken” in a Morris Minor, take heed of this alarming and rather disappointing idiosyncrasy in an otherwise fine little car. I am, Yours, etc.,

Horudean. P. R. Sotaavaig-TaxtvouR (Lt./Cdr., R.N.).