Prepare to Win and Tune to Win

Together with Smith’s other work in this series, Engineer to Win, these two large paperback reference books make up an invaluable source of information on all aspects of getting a racing car first past the flag. In Smith’s many years as driver, engineer and team manager, he has developed strong opinions which sometimes go against the accepted methods, but he explains his reasons in colourful style which makes even basic metalwork techniques sound interesting.

Prepare. . . calls itself a nuts and bolts guide to preparation, while Tune. . . goes into detail on suspension geometry, aerodynamics, and many other factors, and the author is not afraid to condemn by name those supplying components of doubtful effectiveness.

Users of these books, which are packed with explanatory diagrams, may have their own opinions about tuning, as all specialists do, but so much information is crammed in that the trilogy must be strongly recommended. GC