Doohan to face Schuey and Prost
Motorcycling legend Mick Doohan will take on Michael Schumacher and Alain Prost in November as the Race of Champions stadium event heads to Germany for the first time. The five-time…
Wood Green and District Motor Club.
In spite of the rapid increase in women motorists who are keen to enter reliability trials there has been a lack of trials organised solely for them, until last year, when the Wood Green and District Motor Club held the first Ladies’ Reliability Trial. So unique was its appeal, that it received enthusiastic support from drivers all over the country.
The second trial for ladies only, will therefore be held on Saturday, May r9th, and the route will be over a course of about Ex) miles, a course that will test the driving skill of the competitor, yet one that will enable the novice to enter with full confidence that no freak ‘hills or the like will be included.
The organisers have secured an open permit, and entrants must be in possession of a current open competition licence. The entry fees are 125. 6d. for private entrants and 205. for trade drivers. Full particulars can be obtained from the Hon. Trials Organiser, Club Offices, Crescent Road, Wood Green, N.22.