Peter Clark
Peter Clark, who became the first chairman of Silverstone Circuits Ltd when the company was formed in 1972, has died, aged 85. The London-born, Malvern-educated Clark caught the motor racing…
The 4-sPeed “750” M.G. Midget
. THE enormous popularity of the standard M.G. Midget during last year naturally made enthusiastic owners of the same desirous of somehow competing in 750 c.c. events. It is to this class that such a car morally belongs from its type and size, and small car enthusiasts in general will be glad to learn that the new model will be in this class, and will have many other interesting features which will make it a definite 100% sports car, which should ensure a big demand for the new type.
Not only have all the main points of the standard M.G. been well tried out, but the new car, which has virtually been entirely redesigned, has been intensively developed by experiments in the hands of G. E. T. Eyston, until the final edition has proved capable of over 100 m.p.h. The engine has the same 57 mm. bore as the 850 c.c. but is fitted with a special crankshaft giving a stroke of 73 ram. The shaft is of large diameter and all webs are fully balanced. Steel connecting rods, with the metal poured in direct, and special aluminium alloy pistons are used.
Water circulation is by centrifugal pump mounted between the dumb irons, which location is also chosen for the Powerplus supercharger.
An. unusual feature of the induction system is the double inlet pipe. The smaller pipe is used for starting and slow running, the large main pipe being closed. By means of interconnected controls, when the throttle is opened the main pipe is also opened to the main flow of gas. This somewhat unusual arrangement is fitted to ensure easy starting and flexibility which is a most important point in a sports car, as opposed to a purely racing machine.
A useful point for long distance work is the provision of an auxiliary oil supply by means of a tank under the scuttle, which has an automatic feed to the sump by means of a float chamber arranged to keep a constant sump level. The increased power of the engine has been coped with by a redesigned clutch having two discs instead of the single disc used on the old model.
The new 4-speed gear box employs roller bearings throughout, and engagement of both top and third gears is by means of dog clutches. The brakes themselves are unaltered from those of the standard M.G. Midget, but the operation has been modified so that adjustment can be effected from the dash. The roadholding and steadiness of the car (always a marked M.G. feature) has been further improved by lowering the chassis frame. This is downswept behind the front axle and passes under the rear axle. The front
springs are:carried below the axle which has necessitated a new axle beam. The control of the springing is effected by means of the latest type Hartford shock absorber, with control from the dash while running.
The whole car is designed especially for the competition enthusiast and is being introduced in addition to, and not in place of, the standard M.G. Midget. The price of the supercharged car is fixed at 2345, while without supercharger it costs 2295.