A Very Fast Car!
To Scotland and the Lake District in a Jaguar XK150S. It was a happy coincidence that resulted in a Jaguar XK150S coupé being available for test at a time when we were…
READERS who have shunned the idea of racing abroad on the score of expense, will be interested to know that G. T. Symons and Co., 4, Lloyds Avenue, E.C., are prepared to transport boats, engines and equipment, and so forth, from London to
Paris at an inclusive charge of not more than four guineas each way.
At Paris the boats can be lowered into the water and run under their own power to Herblay where the forthcoming meeting is to be held.
There are one or two simple formalities to be observed when taking a boat to France, including a Permis de Navigation for the run down the Seine. The Herblay meeting takes place on July 14th-17th, and we shall be pleased to give readers full particulars of all regulations and so forth upon application to this office.