Air: Flying The Tipsy Trainer
The ideal formula for a light training aeroplane for use by the clubs seems to be that of a small side-by-side two-seater, powered by an engine of comparatively low power…
6ILF A-ROMEO 1931 2-litre attractive drop-head 1 4-seater coupe, one owner, cost over £1,000,
93 2 -cillitre. siuspedrrchopa-teadagucaoruantteecd 100 tLT.6p6h0; chrontium wheels, etc., £895.
T .1; MANS 2-litre supercharged sporti 4-seater, an amazing car, sloping radiator, specially built for famous racing peer, £595.
J3.—The above cars have all been to Alfa-Romeo -0 works and are certified.
T T will pay you to write for our full stock list, also full particulars of the only one-action patent quick-filler cap on the market.
TITR’NER., LTD., of Byron House, 7, 8 i. and 9, St. James’s St., S.W .1. ‘Phone, Whitehall 8993.