Details are now available of the forthcoming City of Rio de Janeiro Grand Prix, which is scheduled to take place on June 2nd. The organisers of this event are the Automobile Club of Brazil, under the auspices of the Department of Tourism of the Federal District of Rio de Janeiro. The race will be held under A.I.A.C.R. rules, and will be held on the Gavea Circuit, which measures 11 kms. 160. The total distance of the race will be 20

laps or 223 kms. 200.

Last year the race was keenly contested by 38 drivers, and vast crowds lined the course. The event was considered of such importance that the President of Brazil attended as an interested spectator, as well as Secretaries of State and members of the Diplomatic Corps. The Automobile Club of Brazil are anxious that the race, which constitutes an excellent means of propaganda for foreign makes of cars, should become well-known in racing circles in order that the highest possible standard of driving may be attained. They have therefore offered an impressive list of awards. Besides objects d’Art and gold, silver and bronze medals, money prizes to the value of 100,000 dollars, or 21,660 will be awarded to the successful drivers. The first man will receive 21,000, the second 2330, third 4165, fourth and fifth 282,

approximately. ‘