The 1935 edition of Messrs, Frank Ashby’s Racing Calendar is a little booklet which every sports car enthusiast will find a use for. A new feature which will be greatly appreciated is the series of photographs depicting various aspects of motor-racing, some of which have appeared in MOTOR SPORT. The captions are amusing in their brevity. The main purpose of the booklet, how

ever, is to provide a complete International Fixture List of races, speed and reliability trials, hill-climbs and rallies. In addition, a list of last year’s race winners is given, with room for the coming season’s results to be filled in. Other useful items are the Brooklands Lap Tables for both the Outer and Mountain Circuits, and data for the Sports Car Owner.

Copies of this booklet can be obtained from Messrs. Frank Ashby & Sons, Ltd., who are, of course, the manufacturers of the well-known sports car equipment, on mentioning MOTOR SPORT. Owing to the high cost of production, it has been found necessary to charge the sum of 3d. in stamps to cover dispatch costs and postage. Their address is Stirchley, Birmingham.