CLUB AFFAIRS, April 1951



Entries for the R.S.A.C. ninth Rally close on :April 17th. Copies of the regulations are available from A. K. Stevenson, Blythswood Square, Glasgow.

C.2. * * *

Entries for Bic Lancashire A.C.’s National Morecambe Rally and Concours, scheduled for May 25th-27th, close on April 30th. Regulations from : J. Taylor, New Market Street, Blackburn, Lanes. * * *

The Singapore M.C. informs us that it will hold the Singapore Trophy Race Meeting or Hill-Climb on May 13th, a ” Test Teaser ” on July 1st, the Johore Grand Prix Races over August Bank Holiday, subject to the gracious permission of H.H. Sir Ismail, D.K., S.P.NI., K.I3,E., Tungku Maltkota of Johore, a Gymkhana in competition with the police On September 10th, a hill-climb on October 28th and a Road Safety and Courtesy Trial on November 2501.. Hon. See. : F. Storkey, P.O. Box 3009,

Singapore. * * *

‘The A.C. Owners’ Club is organising a map-reading point-to-point for novices, probably in Bucks, on Sunday, April 29th. -Certain clubs have been invited, but any ‘eligible driver is invited to compete. Whether a ‘manlier of those elutbs or not. Entrants 1111151 not. have otanpeted in or been Pssociated Wit Ii More that i One inapreading motoring event. already, and must not. have won an award in that. The mourse will probably involve a route of about 60.-70 miles, and take anything ;from three to five !toms. Competition lioences will no/ be necessary. Interested parties are invited to contact ‘I’. C.

:Sanders. ” Little Cottage,” Chertse■,. Road, Shepperton, Middlesex.

The Committee of the Midland Al!. is glad to inform club secretaries that special car parks for clubs visiting the 50th Anniversary Meeting on June 23rd can again be arranged as before the war. The minimum number of ears for a

special car park would be 25 and a reduced parking fee made for clubs. A club windscreen sticker for identification purposes would be required.

Clubs interested in rallying to Shelsley Walsh on June 23rd for this very special meeting should write to the MAC., 87, Edmund Street, and full details will be sent by return of post.

The Annual General Meeting of the I farrow C.C. was held at the ” Sudbury Arms Hotel,” Greenford, on February 2nd. A. E. Moss, Esq., the President, was Chairman, and satisfactory reports from tlw Sevretary and Treasurer were received and adopted. S. G. E. Tett was re-elected Captain mul D. II. Drew or 8, ‘Vroughton Terrace, Hendon, N.W.-1, was eleeted Secretary. The ChtWs activities this year will include the following :May US.11,1; 2001: Walton and Erillion

A pill 1st social RUH. him 2nd : Eight I labs Silverstone Meeting%

July 1st Soeial Run.

Aue.arft 201.11: Ii yinklffinn. Soeial Rum

November 17th : Cottingham Memorial Trophy Trial. ieeendier lit : Christmas Party.

On the first Thursday in each month at 8 11.111. there is a ” Noggin and Natter ” at the ” Hop Rifle Hotel,” East I Any, North Wembley, :out all are welcome. * Entries will be acrepted up to April 29th for the NV. Sussex D.M.C. standard car

trial on that day. It. is open to the Bognor, Brighton and !love, Citroen, Iforsham, L.C.C. and Southsea Clubs.

Details front : .1. C. Bartlett-Day, ” Marisole,” Kings Road, Lancing. * * *

The Citroen C.C. reports having nearly 950 members. It is holding one of those popular night. trials on April 7th! 8th. Regulations from the general secretary : 103, Kingston Hill, Surrey. -* * *

The V.S.C.C.’s ” third Thursday evening ” meetings have been transferred from the frog’s Back Hotel to the ” White Lion,” Coldnun. * * *

On June 9th, I f.H.H. Princess Elizabeth will be in Birmingham for the Festival celebrations. The club has been asked by the Lord Mayor of that city to organise a run of ‘Veteran ;nal .Edwardian ears from Birmingham to Coventry, and Her Royal Highness will start the event. * * *

The Public Schools Motoring Club is once again well established; 0111 partieulars call be obtained from t he Ifon. Sec. : .1. E. B. Hissey. 11, Collingham Road, Earls Court. * * *

The new address of Geuurge Itance, Secretary or the N. London E.C.C. is II, St. George’s .Avenue. Ealing, W.5.


Tile price of the Connaught is 1:1,350, inch/ding purchase tax, whereas it wits given last month as exclusive of this troublesome levy.