A Rare Auto-Union

With reference to your article on the Audi 1700 (Motor Sport, March) and to the Auto-Union Family Tree, depicted on page 179. I am somewhat surprised at your choice of photograph illustrating what one might take to be a typical example of the “Auto-Union Grand Prix car.”

I say surprised, because the car illustrated is neither the 6-litre V-16 Type C nor the 3-litre V12 Type D.

It would appear that this particular car was the prototype 1938 model, using the 3-litre engine, with a modified C-type chassis and body, the cockpit being moved back, with large fuel tanks at the sides, presenting a rather ugly appearance. Two such cars were entered for the 1938 French Grand Prix at Reims, driven by Hasse and Kautz, both cars crashing on the first lap. Two “Reims-type” cars started in the 1938 German Grand Prix, along with two later models which were much improved in appearance.

I have never been able to discover details of these cars and I would be most grateful for any information you or your readers might supply.

Liverpool, F.C. Harris
[Yes—but it was a GP Auto-Union!—Ed]