Alternator Repairs


I feel I must reply in defence of Joseph Lucas after reading P.C. Hardcastle’s comments on alternators. The average car owner would have difficulty in finding a capable engineer sufficiently interested to diagnose the faulty diode and replace it. The material may cost under £1 but what would the labour charge be? That is only the start because the faulty diode may have damaged the control which costs £8. To replace the rectifier and control would cost £17, and that is assuming no labour charge and without checking the other components. Lucas will supply an exchange alternator of a popular type for under £25 and with a full twelve months warranty. After 50 years as Lucas agents and auto-electrical specialists our experience shows that for anyone who does not have unlimited spare time and technical ability an exchange unit is by far the best and cheapest in the long run. On the last point I am sure Lucas would be interested to hear Mr. Hardcastle’s theories on generator design.

Huddersfield PETER J. SYKES Managing Director, Elcar Ltd.