The Rover Sports Register
Would you please like to correct the impression given in February’s V-E-V Odds and Ends that the RSR only caters for P4 and newer cars.
The club was originally formed for owners of Rover sports cars and only when these became scarce was it extended to include saloons.
There are two sections, P3 and previous, P4 and later, the spares side is divided up in a like manner. Technical and spares service to members is most professional, endless trouble being taken to get things right.
There are now eight sections who meet once a month for a “noggin & natter” spares swop etc.
My own, the East Midland section, meets every third Thursday at the “Bell Inn”, Smalley, about seven miles from Derby on the A608.
We are also holding a Rover gathering at Belvoir Castle in Rutland on June 18th. Come and see the Vale of Belvoir before the NCB spoils this beautiful spot. Information from M. Couldry, 5 Home Lane, Ratcliffe Road, Bassingfield, Notts.
Thanks for many years of pleasant reading.
Loughborough H. ONIONS