Round the Clubs, August 1925




The All-Night Run of the above Club was held this year over a course of 164 miles. There were close upon thirty entries, and at the first check Alexander, with his ” Calthorpe,” Green, with his ” Dene,” and McCullagh, with his “Buick,” were well on to time. At Jedburgh the whole of the competitors had got through and were running exceedingly well, the majority being very few seconds out. At Mosspaul there was a further check, and here Jennings, with his ” Darracq,” Green, with his ” Dene,” Barras, with his “Standard,” Percy, with his “Morris-Cowley,”

Alexander, with his ” Calthorpe,” and Bainbridge, with his ” Rolls-Royce,” were showing excellent time.

Breakfast was taken at the Mosspaul Hotel, where a stop of if hours was made. On the return journey, at the first check at Greenhead, Bainbridge, Willan and Todd were dead on time, but two or three of the competitors had got themselves lost between Jedburgh and Mosspaul, and Alexander’s ” Calthorpe ” broke down ; one of the members, however, retired from the contest and towed him home. At the secret check between Chollerford and Heddon, Bainbridge, McCullagh and Straker made the best time. At the final Jennings, Bainbridge, Green and Straker were again well on the watch, and, on going carefully through the times, and subject to the confirmation of

the Sports Committee, W. F. McCullagh, J. Percy, R. Cook, and A. Jennings appeared to be best for the Club prizes, and W. F. McCullagh, J. Percy, V. Straker and J. Bainbridge for the open.


The above Club held their second Quarterly Trial on June 28th, when twenty-four competitors faced the starter at Winscombe. The first man was sent off at 10.30 a.m., and the morning’s run was via Taunton and Honiton to the top of Peak Hill, Sidmouth, where a picnic lunch was enjoyed. After lunch the competitors climbed Salcombe Hill, which, together with PeakTHill, was observed. The course was then through Lyme Regis and some difficult country to Beaminster. A stop-and-restart test was held on the steepest portion of Whitesheet Hill—well known to competitors of the M.C.C. London-Exeter rtm—where the outstanding performance was by Miss Nutting, at the wheel of Watt’s Alvis ; and so on to Crewkerne, where half an hour was allowed for tea. From the tea-check competitors had a comparatively easy run to Winscombe, where the first man checked in soon after 7 o’clock. Although in several cases marks were lost at the Secret Checks, the only hill to worry competitors was Whitesheet. The Silver Cup for the best performance of the day was won by A. R. Passey, of Winscombe, on his Anzani-G.N., and the following gained awards :—ist

Class, Silver Medals, Glazier (Windsor) ; MacWatters (Morgan) ; Pineo (Morris-Cowley) ; Schwalm (FrazerNash); Rose (G.N.) ; Watts (Alvis) ; and Withers (Windsor). 2nd Class, Bronze Medals, Taylor (G.N.) ; Lyne (Lagonda) ; Milne (Windsor) ; Statter (A.C.) ; Phippen (Riley) ; and Gregory (G.N.). Any Light Car enthusiast wishing to partake in future trials should write to the Hon. Trials Sec., N. D. Pineo, Langford, near Bristol.


On Sunday, June 28th, the Reading and District Motor Club held their now well-known mixed grill at White Kell, Kingsclere, near Newbury, kindly lent by Mr. A. L. Ormerod. The weather, for once, was perfect, and the position ideal, a semicircle of hills affording an excellent view to every spectator, of whom there were several thousand. The keenness of most of the crowd was very apparent, as one moved about and the merits of each machine, its rider, and their possible and impossible speeds, hotly contested. The programme consisted of three events, a cross-country steeplechase, a speed hill climb, and the American bill climb. The first item on the programme was the steeplechase, which consists of a circular course about one and a quarter miles in extent, including, at the start, a hill of about i in 4, 350 yards in length (which is used for the speed hill climb), a piece of very rough level going over molehills, rough grass and ditches. The course then led downhill, loosing about 480 feet in a quarter of a mile, then up a sharp incline about 30 yards in length, and steeper than r in 2, finally 200 yards of rough grass to the finish. The riders started in heats of three, and the winner ran in the final. The riders had to do two laps, and in the final the top of the test hill climb was the finish. There were a great many falls, and the course called for very skilful riding, and caused much enthusiasm amongst the spectators.


FINAL.—I, B. L. Hieatt (490 O.H.V. Norton), won easily ; 2, R. B. Budd. (348 O.H.V. A.J.S.) ; 3, F. E. Cook (490 Norton).

Harman, 349 O.K., crashed, and was put out of the running. Some most spectacular jumps were made a la TT.

The next item was the speed hill climb over the I in 4 stretch. This recalled memories of former speed hill climbs before the ban. The course being neatly flagged with banners at start and finish, telephones, etc. Three classes were catered for, 350 c.c., 60o c.c., and Unlimited. Some very fast times were put up, considering the surface, and wheel spin lost much valuable time to many riders. Fastest time of the day fell to C. Harman in 23 seconds, this rider being noticeably first-class in all events.


350 c.c.-1, C. Harman (O.K.), 23 1/5 sec. ; 2, T. R.. Wainwright (348 Cotton), 24 4/.5 sec. ; 3, R. B. Budd (A.J.S.), 27 4/5 sec. 600 C. Harman (O.K.), 23 sec. ; 2, R. B. Budd (A.J.S.), 26 3/5 sec. ; 3, T. R. Wainwright (Cotton), 27 1/5 See. UNI,IMITED.—I, T. R.. Wainwright (Cotton), 24 4/5 sec. ;

2, C. Harman (O.K.), 25 1/5 sec. ; 3, B. L. Heiatt (Norton), 26 2/5 sec.

At length came the piece de resistance, the American hill climb. Four classes were catered for, zoo c.c., 350 c.c., 600 c.c., and Unlimited. This hill, which is grass-covered, and in places rough, rises 489 feet in a little over 200 yards, and its average gradient is probably steeper than i in 2, the top of the hill being even steeper than this. From the bottom of the hill it looks impossible for a machine to climb it, and so on that day it proved to be, but the great majority of people thought that little over half-way up would see the winner. In this case, popular opinion must have received a shock, as C. Harman, O.K. Bradshaw, aided by chains, got to within 20 yards of the top, B. L. Heiatt being a good second, 20 yards short of the winner. E. C. Porter (499 Burney) and 0. M. Leigh (499 P. & M. Panther) also made good climbs, and tied for third place at 145 yards, Porter being the winner in the run off. Neither of these riders used chains. A rope gang was, of course, necessary, as the hill was too steep to ride down unassisted, and the rope was at once hooked on to the machine as soon as the inevitable collapse of man and machine occurred. This event was a great success, and it showed the general public what a good man on a good machine could do, and that we motor-cyclists do not only rush up and down main roads at high speeds. The whole event was remarkably free from accidents, although there were several riders hors de combat through trouble with their gearboxes. Only one accident occurred throughout the day, Mr. W. Lewis dislocating his shoulder and elbow.


300 R. G. Heiatt, w.o. (Francis-Barnett).

350 c.c.-1, C. Harman (O.K.) ; 2, R. B. Budd (A.J.S.) ; 3, E. C. Porter (O.K.).

boo B. L. Heiatt (Norton) ; 2, O. M. Leigh (P. & M. Panther) ; 3, E. C. Porter (Burney).

UNLIMITED.—I, C. Harman (O.K.) ; 2, E. C. Porter (Burney) ; 3, 0. M. Leigh (P. & M. Panther). Final placing (irrespective of Class for Premier award) :

m, Harman (O.K.) ; 2, Heiatt (Norton) ; 3, Porter (Burney).


The sixth event, held on July r8th, drew 38 entries, but there were a few non-starters ; nevertheless, a good field faced the starter to cover the route of two circuits of interesting country, each circuit being 33 miles. Starting at Honiton, the course led up Marlpitts Hill to the first observed point at Devenish Pit, rough, loose and stony, with a gradient at one part of x in 4. The descent of Hatway Hill led to Sidbury and Lincombe Lane, also observed, but too dry to cause any anxiety, and along Gittisham Common to Exeter Road, which was crossed to reach St. Cyres Hill, a long, rough climb ; Luppitt and its “Sea,” which contained only two inches of water, but was 14 when last crossed by the Club ; Beacon Lane, a rough portion, which led to Shaugh Lane, and from thence to Honiton. A slight alteration was made in the second circuit to include Putemdown Lane, which, however, had lost its terror through the long spell of dry weather. Devenish Pit was the tit-bit of the run, and accounted for many penalties. The observers were promised by the Secretary that it would be interesting. It was. On the first circuit Eddy (Velocette), Lake (Velocette), J. Illingworth (Norton), the first three men, made good climbs, but Hall (Raleigh) led the failures. Tompkins (Zenith) charged the hedge, and Morrish (Norton), much to everyone’s surprise, followed his example. C. Lockyer (Zenith Combination) failed, lost his route card, and eventually missed his way, being found by the Secretary in lanes around Luppitt. J. Dodd (Ariel), the first car, stopped often, and baulked H. Spence, on a 1,916 Morris-Cowley, who made faultless climbs each time. On the second circuit Eddy ran up the hedge, but, by marvellous skill, kept going, and Illingworth’s engine or clutch appeared to be out of order, for hard footing was necessary to keep going. L. Helliar (Enfield) stopped through inability to keep his seat, while F. Spence (Coventry Eagle), who came up well the first time, also failed. Webb (Norton) charged the hedge, and came over with his machine on top of him. On St. Cyres, Hall, on his Juckes, was the only man to foot, but Stickland (Scott), the holder of the Club Cup, had a very anxious moment. Three competitors retired in the first circuit, mainly clutch trouble, but J. Hann had an obstinate plug, and lost so much time that he decided to retire. Morrish (Norton) declared that he had never had such an exciting day. In lanes around Luppitt his silencer came adrift, and before he had time to ascertain the reason of the sudden song of his machine he was pitched into a bed of nettles, the real good sort. Repairs at the end of the first circuit enabled him to carry on and complete the course, but he was again unlucky over a bump which shattered the glass of his head-lamp. W. Davies (Norton) walked into the final check with a broken con.-rod and punctured crankcase. F. Knill (Raleigh) was marvellous on all hills, and undoubtedly made the most spectacular climbs, but many of the more cautious ones are well in the running for awards. Perkins (A. J.S.), Hare (Douglas), Sutton (Enfield), Miss Barnett (Norton Sidecar), and J. Wheaton (CoventryEagle), all doing well. F. Fitch (Panther) did well on hills, but missed his way, and was late at checks following. The route was well marked, and all those who

finished declared they had enjoyed themselves. Great interest was taken in the run, and numbers of spectators assembled at all parts of the course. Results will be published in due course.


On July 17th, J. A. Joyce, driving a 12-h.p. A.C. car, beat the previous fastest speed ever done on the Test Hill at Brooklands on any sized motor car.

The time taken was 7.87 seconds, whilst the previous record was over 8 seconds, also the A.C. car was the first to exceed 30 miles per hour up the test hill, from a standing start, with a gradient running up to i in 4.