AN important event in the calendar of the light aeroplane enthusiast took place on July 1st, when the Redwing Aircraft Company held a most successful flying “at home” to celebrate the commencement of a new programme. The Company has decided to transfer its activities from Col

chester, which is a considerable distance from the metropolis, to Gatwick, only 37 minutes from London, and which is already the headquarters of the Surrey Aero Club. The selling organisation and the Redwing School of Flying are already installed and later on the factory will follow. A good number of guests, amongst whom was the Duchess of Bedford, attended the function by air. The first part of the afternoon was spent in examining the machines, which are of course side-by-side two seaters, as described in MOTOR SPORT of September, 1930, but now fitted with Genet in place of the A.B.C. “Hornet.” Their chief characteristics are ease of control and low landing speed, together with

simplicity of maintenance. These qualities have not been obtained at the price of speed, and Fl.-Lieut. Russell put one of the machines through its paces in a most convincing manner. Aerobatics were performed by Mr. Thomlinson, a Redwing apprentice, who also took part later in a well judged landing competition. The Club House and grounds, which have also been described in these columns formed a pleasant contrast from the heat of London. and the country-house tea in the marquee was also well patronised ! The aerodrome is provided with sheds, workshops, lock-ups and petrol pumps, and a pilot of the Redwing School of Flying is always available for tuition or trial flights. Gatwick race

course is only about quarter of a mile away, and no doubt turf enthusiasts who fly will take advantage of the modern method of transport to see their sport in comfort.

The afternoon was voted a great success by all who attended and we hope the Redwing will prosper in its new home.