We apologise to those readers who have
We apologise to those readers who have tried to obtain the Shell-Mex and B.P. Ltd., pictorial maps of their home areas, only to be informed that so far only a…
want to take this opportunity of thanking you for all the trouble you have gone to on my behalf and the prompt Manner in which you attended to my various cables and letters. May I have the pleasure one day of returning your favours in kind. For your information I have arranged with a Joh’I.urg motor firm to import the crankshaft through* their London agents, of whieh I have informed Burton. Work is progressing very satisfactorily in the rebuilding of the Bugatti. When received the car was in rather shocking condition, having stood in the open for a number of years, with most metal parts badly rusted. The car has been stripped down completely and the following carried out : chassis completely cleaned and scraped and repainted. all rust removed, all aluminium parts cleaned and polished, and the • more visible parts chromed. .‘11 this work is mostly carried out during evenins and week-ends, and the process iii a,sendilin!, is now commencing. Continued on page 168 LETTERS—continua from page 174 • It will be greatly appreciated if you can give me any information regarding the following
(1) Is it practicable tO run the Bugatti sans blower ?
(2) Compression ratio with and without blower ?
(3) Will she run on pump fuel without blower ? (4) Is it possible to obtain an induction manifold and single carburetter for converting to unblown
It is my intention to use the car On the road sons blower, and use the latter article for any Serious racing work. Having had very little practical experience in this type of business it will be greatly appreciated if you will enlighten me on the foregoing.
Thanking you again for your assistance. I am, Yours, etc.,. H. B. KELFKENS. P.O. Box 6653,
Johannesburg. [These queries apply to a 3.3-litre G.P. Bugatti. If you can help, please write direct. —En.]