

I have just acquired a 1924 “11.4liumber saloon front the original owner. Family affairs dictated ” salooliery and 1 inn therefore disposing. regretfully. of my s.v. 1923 Aston-Alartill.

The I lumber isill ” spot condit absolutely original exeept for a 1920 Wolseley front-braked axle and a 30-nun. Zenith in phwe of the Cox-Atroos carburetter. It is as solid :Ind eomfortahle as a small Bollsthe comfort aided no doubt by modernised wheels 111111 tyres, 5.00 by 19 wheelbase, and in spite of its 22 cwt. gets along ill quite a sprightly way, although, of course, a very great contrast front I lie Aston-Mart in. The view forward En nit the driving seal is almost Edwardian, as one sits in regal height.